Business Taxi Utrecht pursues a CO2 neutral transport policy

The CO2 emissions resulting from the fuel consumption of our cars will be compensated by forest planting and forest protection in the ‘Carara Ecological Corridor’ in Costa Rica.

In collaboration with:
The International Tree Fund
(ITF), a Dutch volunteer organization that is committed to the conservation, management and restoration of forests, linked to the well-being of the people who live in and around the forests.

What and Where:
In the jungle of Carara, on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, the ecosystems of the Americas come together. For several years now, the ITF has been working with the nature conservation organization Arbophilia on the realization of a corridor. Through the purchase and reforestation of land, the ITF aims to connect the isolated and therefore endangered ecological zones. In this way, one large valuable forest area is gradually being created again. The Carara Ecological Corridor project benefits the local population and ecology by restoring natural forest, protecting the soil and providing clean drinking water.

More information about the Carara Ecological Corridor at